Senin, 29 November 2010

Benefit of Sate Rabbit

Among local tourists interested in the Sate rabbits sold in Yogyakarta, because it is believed that animal flesh has the nutritional content, contain no cholesterol, and can cure some diseases.

"Among the local tourist from Jakarta, Magelang, Solo and interest in rabbit satay. The buyers during the holiday weekend and school holidays are very crowded. The average day can reach 50 to 60 buyers," said Tukirah, rabbit satay seller in the area Bantulan, Sleman Saturday (23/10/2010).
According to him, rabbit satay skewers have a sense different from others because it has benefits for health, cure vertigo, increase stamina, and rabbit brain can nourish female womb.

"We have no difficulty obtaining a rabbit to make satai because you have subscribed with rabbit breeders in the market in some areas in Yogyakarta," he said.

He said that age affects the quality of rabbit meat. If the older age, then the rabbit will feel hard. For manufacture use only satai rabbit rabbits as young as eight to nine months.

"We are only open a small shop while satai rabbit at home and not open branches in other derah. Salesmanship begins at 17.00 am until 23.00 pm. However, if during the school holidays and weekends only until 21.00 pm because the atmosphere is very noisy visitors," he said.
He said the selling price is relatively cheap rabbit satai only Rp 11,000 per serving. Satai served with rice, peanut sauce, and soy sauce. With terssebut fix prices, was able to earn revenues of around Rp 100,000 to Rp 200,000 in one day.

Tukirah said in a day could spend five male rabbits to be sate. "If during the school holidays and weekends, we were even able to spend 10 fish rabbit," kataya.
A rabbit satay buyers from Klaten, Central Java, said Vira Yustina rabbit satay mengadung animal protein, nutrients, and can cure some diseases.

"All I know this rabbit meat to treat diseases of the brain vertigo and efficacious fertilize rabbit uterus of women," she said.

He says every single week he took to come to Yogyakarta only to enjoy satai this rabbit. "Every single week, I routinely make themselves available to eat meat satai rabbit out of a sense unique and different from other types of taste satai and have health benefits," he said. (Luc / Ant)


See also:
Burger King

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