Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

The delicacy of Maranggi's Satay

If traveling in Jatiluhur, Purwakarta, West Java, do not miss to taste the satay / sate maranggi. Maranggi satay stalls are quite busy in the area Bungursari. Sate sate maranggi unlike any other. Marinade using soy sauce instead of peanuts. In addition, beef or lamb is also thick and soft.

After enjoying the satay maranggi worth USD 15 thousand per serving, do not forget to look for other Purwakarta create unique culinary souvenirs, namely simping people. Snacks are made from rice flour, tapioca flour, and given a few spices, as well as a variety of flavors. Simping the sale in every shop or store in Purwakarta with relatively cheap price, about Rp 5,000 per pack.

If not willing to buy, then you can make at home. The following ingredients are needed and how to manufacture:

1 kg beef
soy sauce

5 pieces of red onion
5 pieces of garlic
1 tablespoon coriander
half tablespoons brown sugar

pieces of flesh form the dice
enter spices stir, continue to pin-prick, closed use papaya leaves (if any) Simpen for 2 hours.
served with soy sauce already added tomatoes, and green chili sauce and mixed with red onion, cucumber pickles added. (Liputan6, leo lintang - jalanasik)

See also: soto, sour sally

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